Friday, May 27, 2011

Mid-Book Review: "Incarceron" by Catherine Fisher

Note: I have not yet finished "Incarceron" so I don't know the ending, but I wanted to give a short bit about what I like so far.  And I was tired of having my "Uglies" tirade being the first thing people see on this blog.  Trust me - there will be a full and proper review of this when I finish (and mostly likely "Sapphique"as well, when I finish it).

This. Is. An. Amazing. Book.  I had plenty of people recommend this (including one of my younger brother's friends who isn't what you'd call an avid bookworm) and I was so excited when I got the two-book set for my birthday.

Imagine my confusion when I began to read and had absolutely zero idea what was even going on.  I very nearly gave up in chapter 6 because I was so confused and lost.  But I went back and re-read the first few chapters and ... well, I still was lost, but I stuck it out.  And now I can't stop reading!  Of course, I will have to stop because it's Memorial Day weekend and there's always some family stuff going on - but if I can get away and finish the rest of this, I will.

Can't wait to do a decent review of this - yay!

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